The term “shoes” has become synonymous with almost every type of footwear. However, when used against sneakers, shoes consist of tennis shoes or canvas shoes. You may have noticed that people don’t usually use the term “shoes” for sneakers. So, what exactly is the difference between the two? Let us understand.
- Material
You may agree with the fact that there are many types of shoes. However, do they have something in common? If yes, then what is it? The main thing common among all is their ability to provide warmth and comfort.
It is possible due to synthetic materials such as nylon and polyurethane. These are the main fabrics used for constructing the bottom and top of a shoe. They are also effortless to clean and maintain.
On the other hand, sneakers are equipped with unique rubber soles that are long-lasting and very comfortable. Even though the top part of sneakers is also made using synthetic materials, sneakers comprise incredibly soft soles.
- Comfort
It is one of the main factors that hugely distinguish the two. Shoes are known to provide much comfort for activities like running. However, you can avail this comfort only if you opt for the right pair of shoes. Otherwise, you’ll be left with heavy footwear that is nothing more than providing discomfort and pain during movements.
Sneakers also provide a lot of comforts. However, you don’t have to stress out about sneakers feeling heavy and painful. The best part is that they can be worn daily for any activity.
- Durability
The rubber sole in sneakers is very light and not strong enough. Due to this reason, sneakers can’t handle a lot of pressure. Apart from that, the soles can be easily pierced with any sharp object. Therefore, you cannot wear sneakers to walk on a bushy or rocky terrain.
Shoes are built using polyurethane which is a very sturdy, flexible, and durable material. It can withstand high-pressure impact along with intricate and sharp objects. So, you need not worry about wearing shoes or Air Jordan 1 Seafoam on rough terrains.
Bottom Line
Now you understand that there is a slight difference between the purposes that sneakers and shoes are known to deliver. But, the basic idea of providing comfort and a happy experience to the wearer remains the same.
If you want your footwear to withstand heavy pressure, it is recommended that you opt for shoes. Yet if you wish to footwear for a more casual occasion, opting for sneakers is the best option. But then, make sure that you pick the correct sizes of Air Jordan 1 Seafoam in both cases.
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